ยป The benefits of protein for your body

The benefits of protein for your body

What is protein?

Protein is an essential macro-nutrient made up of amino acids that your body needs to produce energy, and support and maintain muscles, tendons, ligaments, enzymes, immune functions and neurotransmitters. Protein is easily sourced from a variety of foods including meat, poultry, fish, dairy, cooked eggs, nuts and seeds, soy products (eg. tempeh), whole grains, pulses, and vegetables.

Protein supplements such as protein powder and protein bars are used by people (vegans, vegetarians, body builders and those who enjoy intensive exercise) to complement their protein intake and enhance their overall sense of wellbeing.

Why should I monitor my protein intake?

Monitoring your protein consumption throughout the day ensures that your body can perform the right structural repair and maintenance as well as maintain balanced energy levels. If you often feel tired and run down or simply don’t consume protein in at least 3-5 meals over the course of the day, it may be wise to consult a nutritionist to see if diet protein supplements such as protein powder and protein bars could help.

You can access many types of protein supplements in specialist nutrition and health food stores such as whey isolate, whey concentrate, casein, egg albumin, soy, rice, carob, or pea protein- so regardless of allergies and preferences, there should be a great diet protein supplement out there that can work for you. Protein supplements are the affordable, and simple way to increase and monitor your protein intake whether you’re a gym-goer or simply looking for a diet supplement for a healthier, more energetic you!

At Fitness Market, our staff can suggest the correct use of protein powder to supplement your diet.

If you have further questions in regards to protein supplements, then please visit our stores or call us on 1800635685.

Benefits of Protein

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